Welcome to Mystic Congregational Church!
Grace to you in the name of God our Creator and Christ Jesus our teacher, and savior!
Greetings and welcome to Mystic Congregational Church United Church of Christ, a community of faith in which “Hope is alive and love is visible”.
Inspired by Jesus’ example of extravagant welcome, Mystic Congregational Church UCC is an Open and Affirming Congregation. Our life together as a community is rooted in our belief that God is active and alive in our midst and that we are shaped through the practices of worship, prayer, hospitality, education, fellowship and mission. We are a curious, faithful, courageous, and beautiful community that God has called together to be a family. Together we share in worship: we listen to the stories of Jesus and try to learn from them; we sing songs of hope, justice and joy; we pray so that we can remember that we are not alone; and we gather together at the table to be fed. We trust that God is active in our world -bringing healing to brokenness, bringing justice to the oppressed, bringing hope to the hopeless.
We are grateful that you have found your way to our website. We hope it gives you a glimpse of what God is up to here at the corner of East Main Street and Broadway. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at Mystic Congregational Church UCC! We will set the table, consider this your invitation to join us, there will always be room for you.
Pastor Christa
An Open and Affirming Church in Mystic, CT
We, the Members of Mystic Congregational Church, in the spirit of our commitment to honor all persons, declare ourselves to be a welcoming, Open and Affirming church. Following the commandment of Christ to love one another and with God’s grace, we seek to be a faith community that invites into its midst all persons regardless of opinions, age, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, family structure, marital status, economic abilities and conditions, as well as mental, emotional and physical capacities. We welcome all to fully share in the life and leadership, ministry and fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in our congregation.
This means that you are welcome, no matter who you are, no matter where you are on the journey of life, for each one of you is a beloved child of God, and this household of God was not complete until you arrived.