Youth in grades 6-12 will find a welcoming and inclusive faith community in our Congregational Church. Our Confirmation program, fellowship and community service offerings are all opportunities for youth to grow in their faith and develop strong peer relationships in a supportive and safe Christian environment.
Youth Ministries
Our Confirmation program is a one-year program offered to youth in 9th and 10th grades. We introduce youth to Christian theology and how it relates to their lives, the bible, and the church. We aim to cultivate a curious spirituality and a sense of belonging in this community of faith and the body of Christ.
Our Confirmation Program includes a commitment to meetings twice a month, a weekend retreat, attendance and participation in worship and an open heart. Each Confirmation student is partnered with a mentor within the church who will take special care to be a faithful resource, support and advocate for them in this year of exploration.
At the end of the Confirmation year, we celebrate each student by affirming their baptism in our Confirmation Sunday worship on Pentecost Sunday and as a church we welcome them into full membership.
High School Youth Fellowship
Our High School youth meet a few times a month for fellowship, service, and to discuss life and faith. Youth are encouraged to reflect, to question and share their opinions in a caring and compassionate space.
Second Sunday Supper: On the second Sunday of each month we are welcomed into a member’s home for our Second Sunday Supper. We gather for a meal, games, and a time of connection. If you would like to host a supper, contact the church office.
WARM Meal: On the first Sunday of each month we gather after church to prepare and cook a meal for the W.A.R.M. (Westerly Area Rest and Meals) center.
Mission Trip: Each summer our youth go on a week long Mission Trip. We have assisted in home building, painting, working in shelters, connecting with communities experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. Each experience is unique and an opportunity to serve God, an opportunity to learn more about our responsibility to serve others, and to make deeper connections within the youth group.