Worship and Sacraments

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning worship is at the heart of our communal life at Mystic Congregational Church. We gather to celebrate the presence of the living God, the radical welcome and extravagant love of Jesus, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

The first word is always, “Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are very welcome here.” Whatever mix of sinner or saint, believer or doubter you are on any given day, you are welcome to join us. In every service we sing and we pray, scripture is read, and the Word proclaimed.

All are welcome in worship: the quiet, the prayerful, the fussy, and the wiggly. We all begin worship together in the sanctuary and in the 9:30 a.m. service the children then go to Sunday School with their teachers following the Call to Worship. Children age 4 and under are welcome to go to our staffed Nursery at any time. Following the 9:30 a.m. service we gather in the Parish Hall for coffee and conversation.

In the United Church of Christ we have two sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion.


We celebrate Communion on the First Sunday of every month. All are welcome at God’s table. Sometimes we join in the holy meal in our pews as we receive individual pieces of bread, that we eat together as a reminder of our unity and our connection as the whole body of Christ, and individual cups that we drink, a reminder of our individual relationship with God. On other occasions we share in a common loaf and common cup known as intinction. In each of these methods of distribution, we remember that Holy Communion is the sign and seal of eating and drinking with our risen Lord.


Baptism is among the great joys we share in worship at Mystic Congregational Church. We baptize babies, teenagers, and adults at our family church in Mystic, CT.